Tips for the Most
Accurate Measurements
Keep Electrode Hydrated
Ideally, pH electrodes should be kept in a
storage solution when not in use. Placing the
electrode in a small glass $lled with storage
solution is suitable. An option for pocket
meters is to place a small piece of sponge
into the meter’s cap and pour storage
solution into the cap to wet the sponge.
Pouring o% any excess solution beforehand,
the cap can then be placed on the meter.
If a storage solution is not available the
next best option is to use pH 4.01 bu%er
(pH 7.01 is also suitable to a lesser extent).
Clean Electrodes Before Use
Clean the junction of your electrodes once
a day or at least once a week to prevent
junction clogging and to maintain accuracy.
Immerse the electrode in the proper cleaning
solution for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Hanna
o%ers a wide range of cleaning solutions for
general purpose and speci$c applications.
Replace Electrodes Once a Year
If your electrode takes too long to
stabilize a reading, or readings &uctuate
wildly, it is most likely time to replace the
electrode. The typical life span of any pH
electrode is from 6 months to 1.5 years.