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  • ORP Analog Controller with Self-Diagnostic Test

ORP Analog Controller With Self-Diagnostic Test

Update Terakhir
07 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
9999 Buah


Rp. 9.999
Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
Jika anda membutuhkan pH, EC/TDS, Chlorine, Turbidity dan lain - lain kami akan berikan rekomendasi alat yang cocok kepada anda.
Kami memberikan garansi untuk setiap alat yang kami tawarkan dan layanan purna jual.
Silahkan hubungi kami sekarang.

Detail ORP Analog Controller With Self-Diagnostic Test

This instrument allows the selection of a

set point for oxidizing or reducing dosage.

When used in conjunction with the HI8710

pH controller, the ODCD (ORP dosing

consent device) function (featured by the

HI8710) will ensure that the ORP dosage

will start only when the pH level is correct.

These instruments have been designed for

easy and fast installation and are provided

with membrane keypads on the front panel,

large display, and autodiagnostic functions.

Each model accepts either a direct input

from an ORP electrode or from a transmitter

through 4-20 mA input. The instrument

also provides ±5V power output and input

terminals for amplified electrodes.

Moreover, you can choose the output

configuration for connecting a recorder or

a PLC, between 0-20 or 4-20 mA.

A removable, transparent splash-proof

cover protects the front panel.

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