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  • Phosphate Handheld Colorimeters HI713 • HI717

Phosphate Handheld Colorimeters HI713 HI717

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
999 Buah


Rp. 999
Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
Jika anda membutuhkan pH, EC/TDS, Chlorine, Turbidity dan lain - lain kami akan berikan rekomendasi alat yang cocok kepada anda.
Kami memberikan garansi untuk setiap alat yang kami tawarkan dan layanan purna jual.
Silahkan hubungi kami sekarang.

Detail Phosphate Handheld Colorimeters HI713 HI717

Orthophosphates are found in natural 

waters and wastewaters. They are 

commonly added to drinking water as a 

corrosion inhibitor. The instantaneous 

analysis of orthophosphates by colorimetric 

determination provides rapid results using  

a standard analysis technique.

The Hanna HI713 and HI717 Checker®HC 

bridges the gap between simple chemical 

test kits and professional instrumentation. 

Chemical test kits are not very accurate 

and only give only some points resolution, 

while professional instrumentation can 

cost hundreds of dollars and can be time-

consuming to calibrate and maintain. The 

Hanna HI713 and HI717 Checker®HC's are 

accurate and a'ordable. 

The HI713 Checker®HC portable handheld 

colorimeter features a resolution of 0.01 ppm 

and ±0.04 ppm ±4% of reading accuracy. 

The HI713 Checker®HC uses an adaptation of 

the Ascorbic Acid method.

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