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  • Titrator for Measuring Titratable Alkalinity in Water and Wastewater HI84531U-02

Titrator For Measuring Titratable Alkalinity In Water And Wastewater HI84531U-02

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Pcs


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Detail Titrator For Measuring Titratable Alkalinity In Water And Wastewater HI84531U-02

The HI84531U-01 is an easy to use, fast and affordable automatic mini titrator designed for testing titratable alkalinity levels in water. Based on an acid base titration method, this mini titrator uses an optimized pre-programmed method of analysis with a powerful algorithm that determines the completion of the titration reaction by the use of a glass body pH electrode.


The HI84531U-01 incorporates a precision piston style dosing pump that adjusts the volume of dosing dynamically based on the voltage change. This dosing system reduces the amount of time required for the titration while providing for a highly accurate determination of the amount of titrant used.


This mini titrator is supplied complete with all the materials necessary to perform low and high range measurements of alkalinity in water. All chemicals are premixed and prepackaged including standardized titrants, reagents and pump calibration solution. There is no need for volumetric glassware or analytical balances.

  • Piston driven pump for accurate dynamic dosing
  • Complete with glass double junction pH electrode
  • Pre-standardized titrant and pre-measured reagents


Alkalinity is the ability of water to neutralize acids. Total titratable alkalinity is a measure of primarily three types of alkalinities present in a water sample: hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates. Alkalinity in water can be the result of contributions from common chemicals including carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, phosphates, borate and organic acid salts.

The alkalinity of a water sample indicates its ability to resist pH change. The amount of alkalinity in water is mostly due to the bicarbonate/carbonate present. A low alkalinity level indicates that the water is susceptible to pH changes, while a high alkalinity level indicates that the water will be able to resist pH changes. Alkalinity can also be used to determine the corrosive capacity of water and can provide an estimation of water hardness.


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