The HI93703 turbidity meter is a portable,
microprocessor-based instrument used
to determine the turbidity of water
and wastewater with high precision in
the $eld as well as in the laboratory.
The HI93703 covers a 0 to 1000 FTU range
in two scales: 0.00 to 50.00 FTU and 50 to
1000 FTU. The auto-ranging feature sets
the appropriate range for the measurement.
The HI93703-11 adds a real time clock,
logging for up to 199 measurements
and PC compatibility.
The HI93703 has been designed according
to the ISO7027 International Standard,
consequently the turbidity unit is the FTU
(Formazine Turbidity Unit). FTU is equivalent
to the other internationally recognized
unit: NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit).
The meter is very simple to use and
troubleshooting functions can be performed
with displayed error code guides.
The one-point calibration at 10 FTU* can
be easily performed using the available
standard. Hanna has chosen 10 FTU* as the
calibration point because it is the value that
best $tsthe water turbidity measurements
in di&erent applications, from drinking water
to wastewater treatment.
HANNA instruments uses the primary
standard AMCO-AEPA-1 to avoid all
formazine-related problems. Formazine
is a very toxic, unstable substance, which
requires particular care: its standards have
to be prepared only a few minutes before
performing the calibration, and can-not
be reused because of their short life. The
HI93703 can be used with both standards.